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Charger Athletics

CHS Athletic Department Contacts

Dan Ginder - Athletic Director -
 Randy Stegall- Assistant Athletic Director –
Kara Windmiller - Athletic Secretary -

Head Coaches Contacts

Carroll Chargers



Photos courtesy of Leverage Photography

Charger Athletic Announcements 

Charger Logo 

Physical Forms for 2024-2025 School Year  

***Please note physicals must be uploaded to Final Forms.

Pysical information

In order to participate at Carroll High School students MUST have a completed and valid physical dated after April 1, 2024 to do summer strength & conditioning, open gyms, try-outs, competitions, practices, limited contact periods, etc. etc. etc.). Any physical dated before that will not be valid for the 2024-2025 season. No exception.

Charger Logo 2024-2025 Sponsorship Opportunities 

Learn about 2024-2025 Sponsorship Opportunities that benefit the student athletes of Carroll High School.  Education Based Athletics are incredible for our kids and can be awesome for you too!  SPONORSHIP OPPORUNITIES


Charger Logo


Visit this here to purchase your home event tickets ahead of time: Purchase Passes
(Choose single game tickets on the left or season passes tab on the right.)


Charger Logo 2024-2025 All Sport Passes

Adult and Student All Sports Passes are now available.  All are sold online.  Visit here for more information:  Admission Prices
Go Directly to purchase your pass: Purchase Passes

Charger Logo

Follow the Chargers online for FREE  

Happy to announce that you can follow the Chargers on the IHSAA Champions Network!  We are an Educational Affiliate.

This new venture for us will stream as many events as possible on your IPhone, Ipad, Apple TV, Android Devices, Roku, Amazon Fire & IHSAA TV for FREE and can be found in ONE location. 

Charger Logo
Team Schedules
Visit team schedule instructions to create a free account to choose any Carroll team(s) of your choosing to sync to your mobile devices.


Charger Logo






2025:  IHSAA Moratorium June 28 - July 6/Carroll Moratorium July 26 - August 3.  Fall sports begin on 8/4
2026:  IHSAA Moratorium June 27 - July 5/Carroll Moratorium July 25 - August 2.  Fall sports begin on 8/3.
2027:  IHSAA Moratorium June 26 - July 4/Carroll Moratorium July 24 - August 1.  Fall sports begin on 8/2.

2028:  IHSAA Moratorium July 2 – July 8/Carroll Moratorium July 21 – July 30.  Fall sports begin on 7/31.

Charger Tip Jar

Provide a Charger Tip to support all Charger Athletics
Direct Link to provide a Donation

Have you benefited from the streaming of events for Carroll High School?  Have you enjoyed being able to watch your son/daughter, niece/nephew, grandchild, family friend, etc.

We would appreciate a "tip" as a way to continue support our programs and help with the replacement of equipment and additional equipment that is needed.

We will continue to do our best in getting as many events streamed as possible via the IHSAAtv Carroll channel.

Consider donating what you would have at the ticket window!  Consider donating what you would have spent on a season pass.  Consider adding in what you would have
spent at the concessions stand.

Thank you.
Go Chargers!